Core Scaffolding

Core Scaffolding

Project Type:

Emergency Stairway for a Mining Site

Project Summary: 

Apollo X-Beams were procured and incorporated into the design. Steel frames (at 3.6m and 23.7m high) were requested to the client for lateral restraint. Core Scaffolding was amazing from their planning and execution, and left the rest up to us. Calculations were generated for loading analysis and results were presented to the client. Core Scaffolding, a company that hired us for our expertise and equipment, was amazing throughout the process of planning and execution.

Customer Challenges:

  • There's a consistent strong wind blowing at very tall heights.
  • There are very few tie points to for the silos.
  • The tower needs to be 37m high


AT-PAC Solution:

Apollo X-Beams were procured and incorporated into the design. Steel frames (at 3.6m and 23.7m high) were requested to the client for lateral restraint. Calculations were generated for loading analysis and results were presented to the client.



Improved safety and emergency access to the mine.


For stage scaffolding rentals, please  contact one of our friendly consultants for more information.

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