AT-PAC Ringlock scaffolding system receives one of the world's most recognized approvals for scaffolding – the DIBt. The Ringlock brand is the world’s first non-European scaffold system with the DIBt approval.
In autumn 2020, AT-PAC and Doka entered into a global strategic partnership. This combined AT-PAC's many years of scaffolding experience with Doka's global presence. AT-PAC’s Ringlock system has been adopted and implemented by Doka as their own Scaffolding System to provide customers ‘more than formwork’.
DIBt Approval – A milestone
The DIBt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik) is a leading technical authority responsible for granting national approvals for construction products in Germany. It is one of the most recognized and regulated approvals for scaffolding worldwide. AT-PAC’s proprietary quality assurance program and rigorous quality checks, and expert scaffold knowledge have been proven to be successful by securing the DIBt approval and guarantees customers a supply of high-quality scaffolding system with globally recognized approvals and certifications. AT-PAC’s Ringlock approval number is Z-8.22-992.
This marks a major milestone in the scaffolding strategy of AT-PAC Doka: “The DIBt certification marks a significant milestone in our company’s history and realizes our vision over the past 10+ years to invest in the development of our products to build the basis for international growth and be recognized as one of the major scaffolding players in the market”, says Jeff Davis – CEO of AT-PAC.
Ringlock @bauma
From October 24 to 30, an entire world of experience for scaffolding and the process-optimizing Hi-Vis® scaffolding software awaits interested visitors at the Doka stand at Bauma in Munich.
Stay tuned for further news on official product launches, or reach out to your local AT-PAC / Doka representative for more information.
Atlantic Pacific Equipment LLC (AT-PAC).
1455 Old Alabama Road Ste. 100
Roswell, GA 30076 USA
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Atlantic Pacific Equipment (AT-PAC), LLC All Rights Reserved